OutLoud Recommended Links

We highly recommend you check out these websites. We wouldn’t link you there if we didn’t like them! They all have our invisible and unwarranted stamp of approval!

The Trevor Project

Teen Suicide Prevention website, telephone hotline, and more.

Equality Ohio

Equality Ohio serves as an advocate and champion for fair treatment and equal opportunity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender citizens. They are working to create an Ohio where everyone feels at home. Learn how to get involved and help in the quest for equality on their website: www.equalityohio.org

GOHI – Gay Ohio History Initiative

In January 2006, Outlook Weekly and The Gay Ohio History Initiative formed a partnership with the Ohio Historical Society to preserve, archive and curate Ohio’s LGBT history and culture. This is a ground-breaking partnership between Ohio’s preeminent history preservation organization and LGBT Ohioans. This is an awesome site. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you’re missing out on some really cool stuff and great information. www.gohi.org


TransOhio serves the Ohio transgender and ally communities by providing services, education, support and advocacy which promotes and improves the health, safety and life experience of the Ohio transgender individual and community. www.transohio.org

Tobias Project

The Tobias Project provides prevention education and testing to the Central Ohio minority community as it is related to HIV/AIDS and other health disparities. tobiasproject.org

Knights Out

Knights Out is an organization of West Point Alumni, Staff and Faculty who are united in supporting the rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender soldiers to openly serve their country. www.knightsout.org

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

The mission of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force is to build the grassroots power of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. We work to create a nation that respects the diversity of human expression and identity and creates opportunity for all. www.thetaskforce.org


If it’s happening and it affects the gay community, Mike Rogers’ news and information website has found it. He stars in Outrage, which is now out on DVD and which you should see. www.pageoneq.com